
Welcome to the website of “Tamakona”!

This page provides information to parents or guardians of children with food allergies or those concerned about food allergies. Pediatricians and allergy experts supervise our website.

What’s “Tamakona” and “Milkona” powder?

What are Tamakona and Milkona?

Tamakona and Milkona can be used for three purposes:
1) Oral food challenge at medical institutions
2) Simple and easy daily intake at home for children with egg and/or milk allergies supervised by pediatricians or allergy experts
3) Baby food for introducing small amounts of egg and/or milk from 6 months of age

The first and second purposes of this product listed above are for children with allergies and require a doctor’s decision for the use of Tamakona and/or Milkona. The third purpose is to provide an easy and consistent way for parents or guardians to feed small amounts of eggs and/or milk to their infants who are 6 months of age or older.
Tamakona is available in three types depending on the amount of eggs it contains. Please see the table below for further details.

Daily intake at home

Can I eat Tamakona or Milkona at home?

If your child has an allergy to eggs or milk, or if you have any concerns, it is recommended that you consult your doctor about the food allergy. If your child is under 6 months of age and you are not concerned about their allergy, you can use Tamakona 25 to make it easier for your child to consume eggs instead of feeding them tiny amounts of eggs as baby food starting at 6 months of age. Similarly, small amounts of milk can be easily fed to your child using Milkona. It is important to note that if your child has eczema, treatment for eczema is necessary.

Food allergy

After eating eggs, my child was itchy. Is it an allergy?

Food allergy is a disease in which symptoms are triggered by food. Among young children, it is most common with eggs, milk, and peanuts though the situation is different depend on the countries. In older children and adults, shrimp and crab allergies are more common. Food allergies are diagnosed by a physician after examination and testing. Tests include blood tests, skin tests, and the oral food challenge.

Oral food challenge

The doctor recommended an oral food challenge for my child. What kind of test is it?

An oral food challenge (OFC) is a medical examination performed at hospitals and clinics to identify food allergies in patients. During OFC, the patient consumes food that may trigger an allergic reaction, but under the careful supervision of medical specialists. The OFC serves various purposes, including diagnosing food allergies in children suspected of having them, assessing the tolerance or cure of food allergies in diagnosed children, or determining the safe dosage of allergenic foods for patients to consume at home. It is important to note that OFCs should never be attempted at home without the close supervision of a medical specialist, as the OFC can induce mild symptoms, such as skin rashes or hives, but also severe symptoms, such as anaphylaxis. Medical specialists who administer OFCs must be well-trained to manage allergic reactions and provide necessary guidance to patients and their guardians.

Voices from parents who use Tamakona at home
